Selasa, 05 April 2016


its my first post, and i will let you see how much i love travelling.
you can call me andin, or cals. its my fav name.
okay, check it out!!

in this century, everyone love to travel around the world, and its include me.
tavelling is my life, my hoby, my activity, my everything. you must not around the world to called a traveller, just see around your home, your city, its lovely.

on my blog, all my travel journal is about Beautiful Of Indonesia.
i live at Semarang, but work at Karawang, and you know that, i am a traveller, allright. i dont like working around my home, its not make my experience life growing.

tavelling is a hobi for the lover all about travelling, but just activity for you who do not always do travelling.

hmmm.... see you later, its to late to sleep, bye.